Our Mission

AASHA will facilitate the well-being of senior citizens and will support them to live independently, where possible, in their own homes and communities while fulfilling their cultural and social needs.

Core Values

Compassion, Care, Collaboration, Culture, Trust and Inclusion

Our Vision

AASHA will be a recognized Centre of Excellence for culturally appropriate services for senior citizens so that they can lead a meaningful, independent, safe and happy life.


  • Assist, and work with, senior citizens so they lead a physically and mentally healthy and happy life
  • Fulfil the social needs of senior citizens
  • Inform senior citizens of physical and mental health issues that they are experiencing or might experience
  • Inform senior citizens of services available from local, state and federal government and non-government agencies and bodies
  • Assist senior citizens in accessing assistance and services from local, state and federal government and non-government agencies and bodies
  • Inform government and non-government agencies about the cultural, social and health needs of senior citizens
  • Arrange to provide, or provide, home care services for senior citizens
  • Assist families in identifying their senior relatives’ health needs and assist the families in finding appropriate services for senior family members suffering from a serious physical or mental illness, disability and/or dementia
  • Support families and friends caring for senior citizens

Charity Sees The Need, Not The Cause

We organize social hubs, health promotion activities, forums on health and information sessions about services available for seniors. You can learn more about our services.

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