We hope you will assist AASHA’s work and make a donation.

To donate to AASHA, please complete the Donation Form, send the completed Form as an e-mail attachment to info@aashaaustralia.org.au and deposit the amount into AASHA Bank account. Alternatively, hand in your completed Donation Form with your contribution (cash or cheque to AASHA Australia) at one of the AASHA Social Hub Meetings.

AASHA Bank Account

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Name of Account: AASHA Australia
BSB: 062246
Account No.: 10281869

When depositing membership fee, please write your name followed by the membership category in the description section (for example if your name is J. S. Gupta and you are subscribing to become a member, you will write J. S. Gupta, Member) in the description section of direct deposit.

Donation Form
